Thursday, November 11, 2010

Love, Bassy #14

Hey sis,

My agent called me to the bookstore on Saturday afternoon – my day off. Seems some writer took it upon herself to pen a book about me. On top of that, the author wanted me to appear and sign autographs.

father's son 2 

I know there was a book about you that you stopped publication on because it said some things that weren’t true. Should I do that this time around?

I haven’t read this book, and to be honest I'm not sure if I want to, lol.  It feels pretty weird that there’s a book already.  I don’t feel like I’ve lived yet. 

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Meanwhile, I spent most of Friday researching a role at the criminal complex. Verhoeven had me trying out the part of a super-hero, but I had to break up an argument that was going on while I was there. Whew! Good thing I got out of there, my fighting skills aren’t up to snuff yet. Guess I’ll be using a stunt double for the fight scenes, lol.

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After work I hit The Grind for some dancing and drinks. The place was especially jumpin’ tonight. My lord, could you please tell me what’s up with that chick’s outfit???

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My dance partner for the evening was Andrea Sachs. If the name sounds familiar, it should. She used to work for Miranda Priestley at Runway magazine. I’m not sure why Andrea was in her evening gown, but it wasn’t like I was properly dressed, I was still in my work costume and hadn’t had time to change. Andrea is a sweet girl and we’re friends, but I’m really not attracted to her in “that” way. She does seem to find me everywhere, though. lol

Tomorrow I’ll tell you about the Sims Choice Awards. They’ll be on TV next week.

I’m wiped. Later.

Love, Bassy

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