Friday, June 25, 2010

On Pinochle Pond


I can’t believe it’s happened. I live here, at the very end of Pinochle Pond, in a house that is tailor made for a nature lover. Andy picked the location.


And to boot, my precious cuties are home with me, getting off the school bus. It’s funny, they now go to the same school I went to.


This is Halima Meshkenet. She’s Egyptian. I hired her for one specific purpose – to watch the kids when Andy and I can’t. She’s also there to help with the language barrier, as the kids’ Simlish is still very limited. They are native Arabic speakers and so is Halima. My own Arabic isn’t great but I’m learning.


Andy’s ideal with the kids. Our first morning back from Egypt, Halima fixed waffles and he and Satis ate at the table.


Satis is a bit shy around everyone except for me. She’s not outgoing like her brother, so she pretty much sticks to the house. I dealt with yet another publisher’s deadline. My contract is for three books…


Pretty soon it was time to put down the laptop and suit up for work. I had the strangest assignment ever. It was bad enough that I had a poltergeist invasion, pretty much the worst I’d seen so far…


After zapping a haunted desk…


I looked outside and saw the strangest thing….haunted…get ready for this… seeds.

I’ve done a lot of traveling, been all over the world, fought mummies in tombs in Egypt, but this is hands down the strangest thing I’ve ever seen.


I took out my Banshee Blaster and carefully (how can you zap possessed kernels out of existence?) sucked the poltergeist from the particles.

Funny thing is, I didn’t even think to pick the darn things up when I finished zapping them. I left them where they were.


After the kids and Halima had gone to bed, Cheesebum and I got a moment to ourselves.

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