Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Lovesick Burglar


I had a nasty surprise when I came home from work. 


When I heard the door creak open I got up to see what was going on.


I got downstairs…


Sure enough it was a burglar, and not only did he try to rob my house, with my parents, my fiancé, my brother and my nephew asleep upstairs, but he had the gall to try to hit on me.  “Sorry, pal, I’m taken,” I told him. 


When I saw him headed for my hard-earned treasures in the museum, I decided to attack.  Good thing I’ve been working out. 


By the time I called the police, he was done for. 


I read the name on his badge, Stacey Sanchez.  Seriously… Stacey???

“You do realize that by taking this guy on you put yourself and everyone around you in danger.  He is a dangerous criminal.”

Yeah, and I’m a renowned adventurer.  Humph!  I thought. Didn’t you read my book you dolt?  A cute dolt but a dolt nonetheless.   It pained me to keep mum, but I had to.


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