Sunday, November 1, 2009

Party Time Part 4

After we came in from our game of catch, my parents sat me down for a talk. "You know, Savannah," mom began, "you know we're very proud of you. Even though you didn't get valedictorian, we're very happy that you have graduated."
"We want to let you know that we love you," dad said, "and we'll support you in whatever you choose to do with your life."

The next morning, the new maid, Carmen, started working at the house, and she caught a glimpse of my dad standing before her in his bathrobe and holding Sebastian. "Omigod!" she yelled, breathing heavy, "it's Nathan Plumb!"
My dad stood there and looked at her with a bemused, bewildered expression on his face. "Excuse me, miss?"
"Oh, Mr. Plumb, my mother and I both happen to be big fans of yours. We own all your albums."
Dad just smiled as he took Sebastian downstairs for his meal and he allowed Carmen to clean up Sebastian's poop.

At noon the four of us -- yes that included baby Sebastian -- got a cab (the only vehicle equipped with a back seat for a baby) and headed down to Old Pier Beach to set it up for the party. Was I nervous? Sure. I wanted the party to go well. Since I did most of the planning, I wanted it to go right.

When we got there, Noah was already soaking up rays. He could use 'em, he's as white as a ghost.

I felt self-satisfied when I got my first look at my birthday cake -- with vanilla frosting and a blueberry-pie interior. It was what I wanted, and it looked delish.

Finally it was time to blow out my candles. Finally it was time to leave the teen years behind. Finally it was time for me to become a young adult.
"Make a wish, Savannah!" someone yelled from the crowd. I wasn't able to figure out who it was as I didn't readily recognize the voice. I made one but I kept it silently to myself.

I happily blew out my candles and waited to officially 'grow up.'

After 'growing up' I changed into my new swimsuit and took the first piece of birthday cake, as is custom, and went to find a table.

And so far, not a sign of Darrel anywhere.

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