Monday, November 16, 2009

First Day (on the job)

Well, today I started my new job. And I have to tell you, it wasn't what I expected.
This morning, I woke up, like always. But Sebastian was at the table, and he had just finished eating his pancakes when he watched me chew.
He startled me when he asked, "Vanna, how come mom is always fussing at you?
I couldn't believe it. I nearly spit out my pancakes. And I didn't have an answer for him, either.

Meanwhile, I arrived for my first day on the job at five-thirty. The ghosts hadn't awakened yet, so it was a peaceful jaunt to the gates. I found myself partnered with Mortimer Goth (yes THE Mortimer Goth) and I found out he was so old, he was a teenager when my dad was born! He didn't know my grandfather but he knew my grandmother, briefly. And he knows Noah well and was at his wedding. It's kinda creepy, knowing that someone is still alive who knew your grandmother.
While I was in the cemetery, I came to realize something. It's not my parents I need to make happy, it's me. And for some reason, being in the cemetery makes me happy.

As soon as I got home, my cell phone rang. I would be shocked to find out why.
Antwan Tripp (an old friend of the family) commissioned ME to paint something for him. My reaction was surprise, initially, but ultimately I couldn't possibly pass on the opportunity. I would get started immediately.

Painting is one of the other things that makes me happy. I've been painting since I was little, actually. I'm told that as soon as I blew out my birthday candles to become a child, I asked my parents for an easel and a paintbrush.
I woke up the next morning with fractals dancing in my head, so they appeared on the canvas. I fiugred since Mr. Tripp wanted the painting in his office he'd want something interpretive, a conversation piece. I'm almost done with it, just a little bit left to go.

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