Friday, October 16, 2009

When The Going Gets Tough...

...the tough go shopping.
I hit the mall in search of an outfit to wear to Noah's wedding. I think I must've tried on about 10 different dresses; none of them seemed 'right.' None of them screamed 'You need to wear this.'

When I came out, I saw my schoolmates Darrel Marks and Grace Geary (Kris' sister) in a lovers' quarrel, and when I looked over he actually hit her. Ever since they hooked up, it's been drama central for them. I swear, if I ever get into a relationship like that, you have my permission to shoot me.

Personally, I think guys are just too much trouble. Definitely more than they're worth. Look at what's going on between me and Cheesepuff. He's just playing games. I suppose I'll make like Aunt Margaret and not marry at all.

Dad was out doing the fame thing and signing autographs for his swooning female fans. I've heard he's never turned down an autograph request. Those women, man, they just don't know. They don't know the truth like I do.

When I got home, mom was talking about the orchestra she'd taken over after dad left. "You know Noah's in the quartet now, right?"


"Yep, following right in his dad's footsteps. I think when I retire, he might actually take over the symphony."

She also went on about her upcoming elder birthday party. And about Noah's wedding. And about -- my teachers???

"You know, Savannah, I went to the school and spoke to your teachers. They say you seem -- aloof -- and standoffish, and they're concerned that you don't seem to have any friends there."

"I have friends, it's just that, you know, I'm busy."

"No one is too busy for friends." My mother said it in her typical matter-of-fact, this is this and that is that kind of way. "I just think, you know, it's time that you figure out what you want out of life."

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