Thursday, October 8, 2009

My dad is a strange, strange duck...and other observations from City Hall

Today after school I went to City Hall. I'd never been there before and was shocked by how big it is. I ran into one of the city councilmen, Harper Phillips. "Where are you going, miss?" he asked me in this rich deep voice.
"Um, I'm going to take these papers to the city hall and to take a charisma class."
"Charisma, eh?"
"Very useful skill, that. A must if you go into politics or any career dealing with the public."
"Hmm, I'll keep that in mind."
As Mr. Phillips walked to his car, he asked my name. My name???
"Savannah Rachel Plumb, sir," I replied.
"Plumb, eh?" he wondered. "Aren't you related to the Plumbs up on Summer Hill Court? I gave them a building permit a while back."
I let loose a big wide grin. "I sure am."
"I thought you were. Though your face looks like Ms. Bellingham, who used to live next door to me."
"I'm her daughter."
"Really?" he asked as he went to his car. "Nice meeting you --"
"Right. Got to keep up with everyone in this town."
Mr. Phillips left. I know I've seen him before but I can't place his face.

I walked out of City Hall and took a cab to go to work. It's kinda funny but I'm actually liking my bookstore job. I get to see all the new releases before they hit the shelves. Plus I'm meeting new people, which, let's face it, I don't get much of a chance to on Summer Hill Court.

This evening at dinner, after I'd finished my biology homework, dad asked me about my English project. I'm supposed to be writing this short story for my English class, and the teacher wants me to write for the school literary magazine. She'd told me that Aunt Margaret wrote for it, and so did my dad before he left school. "How's your story coming along?"
"I haven't started it yet."

"I'm sure you have some ideas floating around."
"Nope, not really."
"What's it got to be about?"

"The first assignment is a science fiction story."

"Science fiction, huh?" Dad rubbed his chin. "You know, Savannah, good science fiction isn't just about space creatures and distant planets. It also has to make you think about the human condition. You want to read some excellent science fiction, you need to look no further than your aunt's bookcase. That was her specialty, you know. I'm sure you could find some inspiration there."

I looked up at Dad. He'd brushed out his hair, which he usually wore pulled back, and it was much longer than I'd remembered it. After dinner he challenged me to a game of foosball in the basement.

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