Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Noah spills the beans -- officially

Well, we'd heard about Noah's upcoming wedding through a screaming headline in the newspaper. Now we got to hear it from his mouth. He rang the doorbell a little bit after midnight.
I looked at the two of them, though they are alike in some ways, the contrast between them is striking. If I didn't know any better, I'd think Noah was the father.
"Do you need help paying for it?" Dad asked, as he's got fairly deep pockets and is wont to throw some simoleans around.
"You know what, dad, I think I want a quiet, simple wedding at home, inviting just family and a few close friends. Besides, isn't it the bride's family's job to pay for a wedding?"
"Sure it is," dad said, "but we COULD help her, you know."
"Have you even met Sadie?" Noah asked.
Dad looked up. "I think so, a couple times. Shandra knows her quite well, they belong to the same gardening club."

When I leaned forward to congratulate him on his engagement, Noah prefaced it with his trademark, "You know, sis, I'm happy to see you, but you really should be in bed right about now, you've got school in the morning." I don't even hear that kind of language from dad.

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