Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Meet My Mother

This is my mother, Shandra Rayanne Bellingham. Everyone calls her Shandie, and yes that is her usual uniform. And she pretty much always looks like that, too. She even entertains in her nightclothes.
When dad left the symphony to do his own movie compositions, she's the one who took over the conductorship of the orchestra.
Here's what I know about her background. She's from somewhere far away from Sunset Valley but arrived here after the father of her two other kids passed away. Her old town was destroyed in an earthquake and she was raised by a stranger, Edmund Browning, who himself had lost his family.
And as far as I know, she's the one who actually discovered dad. In more ways than one, I might add.

The way mom tells the story, she had just arrived in town with her two older girls, who were still in school, and she decided to go to the park for a little stroll when she came across this guy who was strumming a pink guitar. She decided to take a peek and she found he had some talent (as well as being cute). She had some connections in the industry and arranged for him to have an audition with a talent agent. And the rest, they say, was history.

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