Thursday, September 24, 2009

A job? Oh, the horrors!

"Nathan, will you get your head outta that book for one second?" mom yelled. I was just coming down the stairs to catch the school bus (since a certain person TOOK MY CAR AWAY FROM ME! AARGH!!!!!)
"I'm going to the school this morning. Savannah's failing 4 classes and has only been to school twice this semester."
"Um-hum." Dad didn't even look up from his book.
"So I made a decision. I arranged for Savannah to get a part-time job at the bookshop."
The bookshop? I thought. No, not the bookshop!!

Sure enough I started my prison sentence today at the local bookstore. My hours are from 3 to 7, Monday thru Friday, and I'm off weekends. I guess it's one way to prove to mom that she can trust me. I don't know anyone who works here. Oh yeah, I do, my half sister Cylene (mom's other daughter) is the manager. I wish mom would stop treating me like I'm a 2 year old. I'm fifteen!

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