Monday, September 28, 2009


Dad came up to my bedroom after the police left. "Daddy, really, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disappoint you."
"Savannah, I've heard this before. I'm tired of bailing you out time and again. Your mother is at her wit's end and I'm getting there myself."

He looked up at me. "Here's what I'm gonna do. Neither one of us is thrilled with you coming home with the police instead of in a taxi, so instead of grounding you and having you mope around the house until your birthday, I'm going to take you to work with me."

"What? At the theater?"
"I think it's a good idea. You'll see what we do for a living, and I can keep my eye on you. It's a complete win-win."

"Nathan, have you completely lost your mind?" I heard mom ask at the breakfast table.
"Actually, no I haven't. The experience will be good for her. She gets to see what I do, and I get to keep my eye on her. It's a complete win-win."
"She should be grounded indefinitely. Nathan, she's not getting any better. I've tried everything and she keeps getting worse. I've just about had it, and with Sebastian here, she could at least help around the house."

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