Saturday, February 13, 2010

Running to the library

Since dad put me in charge of the renovations, I took to the internet to try to get some inspiration. I have an idea what I don't want -- and that's the 'look at me' showiness of the Alto mansion. With all due respect, that gaudy pink is NOT what I have in mind. Neither do I want the violet color dad used for the siding. I love you, dad, but the violet siding has to go.

I had an itch to go to the library. After the cemetery and art gallery, the library is my 3rd favorite place in all of town. The thing about our library is you just never know who you're going to run into here, and it seems to be a regular meeting place for the denizens of Sunset Valley. I'm smack dab in the middle. The two younger guys are Ratliff brothers, Bimble (yes that's his name) and Elijah, there are a bunch of them, 5 I think. I don't know the names of the older couple, but they're not familiar to me, and I think they just moved here.

I decided I needed to relieve myself before I got started, so I hauled butt to the bathroom. When a guy walked in, he reminded me rather casually that I was in the men's room.
"So?" I quipped. "I use the men's room all the time. No big deal, a bathroom is a bathroom." He just shook his head and went on about his business.

"Hey, Plumbob," I heard someone's voice behind me. I knew without knowing exactly who it was.
"What's up, Cheesebreath?"
"Didn't think I'd see you here today. I thought you were still on your world tour."
"Very funny, Cheesecake. What's with the getup? Are you trying out for the Rockettes?"

"Mom picked this out, she thought it was --"
"Whatever. What are you doing here?"
"What everyone else does when they're at the library. Mom wanted me to check out some books for her."
"Oh? What kinds of books?"
"Gardening stuff and romance novels. She wants to read your aunt's last one, Two Sims Apart."
I remembered that Aunt Margaret actually hated that book, and yet it turned out to be her best selling one.
I'm not sure what made me decide to do it, but I told Andy about the renovations.
"Ah. So that's why you're sticking around."
"Not sure for how long, to be honest."

He decided to change the subject. "Hey, I heard you're trying to adopt 2 Egyptian children."
"How'd you hear about that?"
"News travels fast," he reminded me, "especially when it happens to the Plumbs."

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