Saturday, February 7, 2015

Little Girl Lost

Fresh on the heels of a balls to the walls attempt to save my daughter is coming an attempt to deal with my darling little niece.

Kaydence is now a teenager and she's a highly unusual girl, in a lot of ways. 

Kaydence, as most of you following this blog know, is the daughter of my beloved baby brother, Bassy, and his ex-fiancée, the pop singer Madison Avenue. 

Bassy is as much to blame for Kady's situation as is his ex-fiancée Madison.  When he was awarded full custody by a magistrate up in Hidden Springs, he was handed an amazing, incredible little girl on a fucking silver platter and he managed to screw it up.  I cannot believe how badly my brother messed this up.  And then he compounds the problem by marrying some woman he met on vacation in Sunlit Tides...

Here's what's going on with my niece right now.  Got to tell you, this girl is a handful of her own. 

For starters, she clearly has Madison's face, all the way down to her pouty lips. 
She stays up all night and sneaks alcohol from the juice bar.  Reason #1 why we don't keep juice bars in our house. 

My youngest daughter, Skylar, cannot stand her.  In fact, the two are sworn enemies.   I have asked Skylar why she dislikes her cousin and she can give me no answer, just, "I hate her."

Ironically, she adores Sierra - Sierra, of all people.  And Sierra doesn't really like anybody yet she's taken a shine to Kady. 
And that's not even all... Kady's talking about building bots.  That's a scary thought.

In fact, Kady seems to prefer being around older people rather than with her peers.   Her best friend is her father's butler, Tasha.  I'm told it's the same way at school.  She eats lunch at school with the teachers. 

Besides my niece being more comfortable around adults than people her age, she spends her nights watching the history channel, she loves homework, (she LOVES homework!),

Oh, and Bassy said that the butler caught her in the house late at night pretending to have a concert in the living room, hitting pretend high notes and even going as far as blowing kisses to a pretend crowd. 

She's got just enough of Bassy's and Madi's genes, though, to keep things honest.  And, as you well know, that is easily the most highly combustible set of genes I've ever seen.   That set of genes is just asking for trouble.  Seriously, do you expect anything less from these two?  Really?

Yep, THAT is the fruit of their labor.  That is my darling little niece, in a nutshell.  My youngest daughter can't stand her.  My middle daughter adores her.  My oldest daughter, well, has only seen her once but she likes everybody, and my baby boy - I think he likes everybody too. 

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