Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sety… again



Hey, it’s me, Satis, trying to finish reading Zombies?  Zombies! for my English class.  Supposedly it’s going to be made into a movie, and Uncle Bassy is supposed to be playing the main character.  I don’t get why it’s such a big deal that he does movies.  I mean, it’s pretty much that he plays dress-up with cameras on him.  His words, not mine. 

Remember I overheard my brothers talking at the dinner table the other night? 

It was for good reason. 

See, mom and dad took off again (I suspect it might be for Hidden Springs) and, apparently, Sety threw a party, and, if at all possible, this one was even wilder than the one before it.  And he’s going to court (along with AJ) for that one. 


Sety has such a cache (am I using the right word?) in these parts, that some of the other kids showed up to take pictures of him. 


They invited the geek boy Zachary Downey, who’s in my trig class, and Candice Lakin managed to make fun of him at the party.  Candice hates everybody, though, it’s not just Zachary.  


Michael surprised me with some hand picked yellow flowers.  I thought it was pretty sweet of him.  Too bad that Candice Lakin had to ruin it by watching us like a hawk. 


Candice sat down with Dameon Ramsey (Daisy’s brother) to watch a cooking show on TV. 


I think Natalie Brooks from newspaper is making a play for Sety.  She made a beeline for him at the party.  I think she wants to go into private investigation upon turning YA.  Natalie moved to Sunset Valley with her grandmother after her parents died. 

I couldn’t hear exactly what Sety was telling Natalie, but it didn’t seem like it was good.


There was so much noise that the police were called. 


“All right, kids, who’s the host of this party?  It’s 2 am, get out of here before I notify your parents!” 

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