Tuesday, October 23, 2012

So, I told you guys that my son, AJ, met this girl Alex at the funeral dinner for Prince Renauld at the royal palace here in Hidden Springs. 

A part of me is still wondering what the heck he was doing there in the first place, but whatever. 
(Prince Renauld, Queen Catarina's husband, died suddenly in his bedroom.  The palace doctors tried to revive him, to no avail.)

His Alex is, in fact, Princess Alexandra Vanderburg, daughter of the aforementioned Prince Renauld and Queen Catarina Vanderburg.  She has a twin sister named Anastasia.

Now, a part of me is tickled pink that a princess is head over feet over my son.  But a bigger part of me wants him to run the other way.  Like I said the other day, though, it's his call, not mine. 

Have to say, on the surface she sounds like someone after my own heart. She has got to have some kind of gumption, though, willfully disobeying the royal family by enlisting in the military and enrolling in flight school. Have to admit I can't wait till Queen Catarina finds out. I'll be grabbing my popcorn.

Although part of me suspects that the only reason that Alex is in flight school is because of AJ.

Andy and I have told our children time and again, that as long as they're happy, then we're happy. We even told them, if they want to be thieves, my goodness, be the best damn thieves you could be.

It's the same approach my dad took with Bassy and me.

He never forced us into the music business, even though he was in it and that's what he wanted to do.

My mother, on the other hand, gave us bunches of lessons. Bassy is a classically trained pianist, yet he chose acting. Mom tried to give me piano lessons but I refused.

I'm tickled to death that my son is in flight school. It seems like he is finding a purpose and a meaning to his life.

He gets excited talking about spacecraft, about the different controls and such. He doesn't want to admit he is a sci-fi geek but he is.

We've kept up his appointments with his therapists twice a week, and he's taking an elixir once a day.  Andy and I realize that he has MY high strung makeup instead of his calmer temperament.  He's naturally shy, and he got into a lot of trouble as a teen because he idolized his big brother and wanted to be like him. 

I have to admit, this Alex situation has me more than a little uneasy. 

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