Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Progress Report #2

We returned to Hidden Springs to bring Sierra to her scheduled appointment with her counselor.  Dr. Bill was waiting for her. 
"Well, Sierra, it's been a few months since I saw you here," he began.  "You're looking happier."

Sierra, as she does, simply glared at him.

The doctor tried another tack.  "So, your mother and your sister tell me you went back to college.  Are you enjoying yourself there?"

It was then when Sierra started talking.  "I'm learning so much.  I took an anatomy course and a physiology course and a microbiology course - I love my classes to the point where I actually want to go -"

"So your major is sports science?"
As Sierra was talking, Dr. Bill interrupted her.  "I'm happy that you like your classes.  Do you like your professors?" 
When she didn't respond, he said, "So I hear you made a little splash of your own on campus."

He showed her a clipping he'd gotten from the student newspaper.  "Tell me about this protest you led on campus.  That had to be quite an experience."

"I left before classes were over to start my protest, hand out flyers to people who were hanging out in the quad...

"I decided to protest the campus police -"

"Was that because of your arrest?  What else happened?"
"I was propositioned by my professor and he still remains teaching there."
"You're telling me that your professor came on to you."
"Yes and it's a crime that he's still teaching there.  Instead, I was arrested for spraying graffiti on a wall."

"Sierra, you have to understand that your arrest for doing that was justified.  You did break the law.  You're not supposed to spray paint a building that doesn't belong to you."
"But it's not fair that I was arrested for spray painting a building and a professor who harassed me had nothing happen to him."
The doctor decided to change the subject.  "How are you doing socially, Sierra, otherwise?  Have you made any new friends?"

"I don't really like socializing."
"I'm aware of that, Sierra.  But living in the dorms, you have to be around others."
"The campus party scene bores me.  I'd rather be at the gym or at the lab. Or in my room."
"How's your temper been?  Have you been able to manage it?"
"I did have one rage incident -"
"One rage incident in two months is an improvement, Sierra.  Keep it up."
Sierra didn't tell Dr. Bill about her second rage incident, where she screamed at a guy to get off the computer.  Or about the time she barked orders to her classmate.  Or about the time when, right after we returned to Sunset Valley, when she had a meltdown so bad that Andy and I plus the butler had to try to calm her down. 
Sierra is scary when she's angry.  Absolutely scary.   The day we had the big fight at the hospital, I actually thought she would physically attack me. 
I've already said that there are times when Sierra is capable of being very loving.  Another more recent incident was when Skylar came home one evening and was dejected that she didn't get the part of Sandy in CSG's production of "Grease." Instead she's playing Betty Rizzo, one of the 'Pink Ladies.' 
"I always thought the Pink Ladies were cooler than Sandy anyway," Sierra told Skylar.     

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