Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Just Plumb -- Insanity?

My mother and I were talking on Simbook, and we concluded that a streak of insanity has to be a hidden trait in this family.
We arrived at this conclusion after my darling little brother posted on his Simbook that he has decided once again to pick up sticks and head to a new locale. This time, to Starlight Shores. I don't know why he is so untethered. I suppose in his own way he has a wanderer's spirit. He's had this amazing success as an actor, but I get the sense that he is restless, that he isn't satisfied, that it's not really what he wants. Then there were the rumors that he got his ex-girlfriend pregnant in Bridgeport. I warned him that if this was his child, he had to take care of his responsibility. I don't want him to be a deadbeat dad, if he is. I also reminded him that, even though he's a huge star, he is STILL my little brother. I won't ever let him forget that.
There is a streak of stubbornness, independence, and idealism running through the family, and I now see traces of it running through all three of my biological children and also in Satis, the child I raised. Sometimes I think Satis has been around me way too long. The fact that she defied me and hightailed it to Egypt when I warned her that a) it was too dangerous and b) she was going to be found out, recalls my own youthful impetuousness. I told AJ that when he got out of military school he would have to decide what he wanted to do with his life. AJ told me that he wants to go backpacking through China and Egypt. That's another one who's been around me way too long. lol As for my daughter, Sage, we suddenly can't keep her off her horse longer than five seconds. She'd rather ride a horse than drive a car. And my youngest daughter seems to be very athletically inclined, very much into sports.
One thing I've always encouraged in my children is individualism. I've pretty much taken my hands off the pedals and let them explore their own paths. The funny thing is, that's kind of hard for me to do because I'm a control freak. I like being in charge. It's the approach Dad took with Bassy and me. He never forced us into the music biz, although Bassy seems to be coming into it on his own, after 'dabbling' in acting (hard to imagine me saying a multiple acting award winner is dabbling in acting, but that's what I think anyway). I'm not sure his heart is in music either, but whatever. He's going to do what he's going to do, who am I to say anything about it.
I can't say I've really dealt with Sage's rant. I know it shocked us to our core, and to have it come from Sage of all people -- who pretty much hadn't said anything, was just kind of stunning. I just didn't understand -- and still don't, really -- understand why she is so angry with me. Why does she hate me?

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