Tuesday, February 5, 2013

AJ and Sage are going to kill me...

Hi everyone.
I know it's been awhile since I've written. 
The last time I put fingers to keyboard, we had just gotten back in Sunset Valley for the holidays and were awaiting word on my brother Bassy's custody case.  We're still waiting on that one. 

Well, a lot has happened since then. 

AJ went back to Hidden Springs just before Christmas because of the big blizzard there and he had to go help out there.  A part of me is thinking he also went back to see that quirky girl Alexandra but that's just me.  The fact that he continues to see her despite my reservations is, well, what can I say?  He's a grown man.  I can give advice, but I can't live his life.  He has to do that.  And I'm seeing some evidence that he's starting to. 

My husband and I have had discussions with him about college.  Andy's attitude is, well, it's not a necessity that he go, that he doesn't have to go, that it's his choice whether or not he goes. 
AJ knows what I think, and I don't hesitate to tell him that.  "I'd very much like for you to go to college," I told him, "I can help you with the admissions process, just like I helped Sage."

"Mom," he shouted, "I'm not Sage.  I'm not college material."
"I know you're not Sage, but I think you can benefit from college just as much as she will."
"I don't want to sit in a classroom all day!"
I took a deep breath.  "You don't sit in a classroom all day.  You can at most take one or two classes at a time and the rest of the day you do other things.  There are all kinds of interest clubs you can join, fraternities, make some new friends there too.  You'll have fun, you'll see."
"I'm military.  Fun is not in our vocabulary." 

As for my college-bound daughter, Sageblossom Margaret otherwise known as Sage, she is ticked at me to say the least. 
You see, I made the mistake and told her that I applied for an adjunct professor of paranormal studies vacancy at the university. 
I'm still chief archivist at the supernatural museum in Moonlight Falls.  It's an incredible job full of rich history.  But I'm seeking another challenge and, even though teaching scares me a bit, what good is all this if you can't share it? 
I submitted my resume online and I'll hear perhaps next week if I've got the job. 

Sage is valedictorian of her class at Alpine Community School and I will be the proudest mama ever when she stands up there and makes her graduation speech.  She has three scholarships, a general honors scholarship, a writing scholarship, and she has an arts scholarship.  She doesn't know exactly what she'll study, she has told me she wants ALL the degrees, lol.  She has also told me she wants to live on a huge ranch with a bunch of animals and a garden and a pond. 

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